Hylocharis grayi

El Zafiro de cola azúl (Hylocharis grayi) fué descrito por primera vez por DeLattre y Bourcier en 1846 y fué durante un siglo clasificada junto con el "Zafiro de Humboldt" como una misma especie. Sin embargo, la razón principal para haber diferenciado ambas especies, fueron los colores de las colas de los machos (verde oscuro en Hylocharis humboldtti vs azul oscuro en el Hylocharis grayi). Su hábitat natural son los bosques tropicales de Colombia y Ecuador. De pico a cola ésta ave mide 10.8 cm.

The Blue-headed sapphire (Hylocharis grayi) was first described by DeLattre and Bourcier in 1846 and it was classified for a century with the "Humboldt's Sapphire" as the same species. But the main reason to have differentiated both species were the colors of the male's tails (dark gren in Hylocharis humboltti vs dark blue in Hylocharis grayi). Its natural habitat is the tropical forests of Colombia and Ecuador. From peak to tail it measures 4.25 in.